1 | 五經 | the Five Classics include Shih Ching, Shu Ching, Li Chi, I Ching, Spring and Autumn Annals | 2 | 四書 | the Four Books include Ta Hsueh, Chung Yung, Lun Yu and Méncius | 3 | 左傳 | name of a book of heroes of former ages | 4 | 性理 | Tính lý book | 5 | 諸史 | books used to record works of foreign countries: Thiếu vi book, Cương mục book, Cương giám book of Trung Bá Kính, Cương giám book of Viên Liễu Phàm | 6 | 國史 | book recorded national history | 7 | 詩韻輯要 | Thi vận tập yếu book | 8 | 對联 | to compose parallel sentences | 9 | 小叚 | | 10 | 經義 | literary dissertation | 11 | 四六 | satiric literature, royal proclamation, petition | 12 | 詩賦 | poem and rhythmical prose | 13 | 文策 | traditional Sino-Vietnamese dissertation, essay (at civil service examinations) : first is ancient literature, later is modern literature | 14 | 書帙 | book | 15 | 書面 | front of book |
| 16 | 書本 | book | 17 | 書卷 | book volume | 18 | 書頭 | book title | 19 | 書背 | back of book | 20 | 書腹 | content of book | 21 | 書臍 | center of book | 22 | 書口 | opening of book | 23 | 眞方 | plain handwriting | 24 | 艸書 | grass style; cursive weiting (in Chinese calligraphy) | 25 | 篆書 | seal characters | 26 | 隷 | characters with popular style | 27 | 行書 | grass style; cursive weiting (in Chinese calligraphy) | 28 | 楷書 | clear writing | 29 | 臨書 | | 30 | 筆 | pen |